Our committee is interested in the entire spectrum of housing – from those who are unhoused, to workforce / affordable housing, to those who simply want the option of living in Corvallis.
In order to further our work and to learn more about those organizations that have goals similar to ours, we invite guest speakers. The purpose is both to learn more about their organizations, as well as to see areas in common and how we can support one another.
This year’s speakers were: Karen Rockwell, Lincoln County Housing Authority; Karen Saxe, DevNorthwest; Mica Contreras, Linn Benton Lincoln Health Equity Alliance
Our annual program focused on ways to bring more workforce housing to Corvallis. Speakers from three organizations shared why the need, what works and options for creative housing.
Our advocacy included a letter urging the City of Corvallis and Benton County to negotiate an agreement on the Urban Growth Boundary that included specific planning goals for future development in the urban fringe.
Advocacy also included the League sending a letter to city and county government urging support for the formation of a Tri-County Continuum of Care.
Under the leadership of Penny York, the committee prepared 25 holiday gift bags to be distributed to our unhoused population.
We recommended Shelley Ries to represent the Housing Committee on the LWV Board.
This report submitted by Karyle Butcher, Chair Housing Committee