Hear from members of the PAC for Measure 2-141 – this is a good opportunity to learn about the levy on the November 7, 2023 ballot.
Tracey Yee, Ward 8 City Councilor
Biff Traber, Former City of Corvallis Mayor
Gabe Shepherd, Ward 4 City Councilor
The Measure would allow the City of Corvallis to levy $1.07 per $1,000 of assessed value for five years for the purpose of supporting operations of the Corvallis Public Library (51.9%) and the Parks and Recreation Department (48.1%), and to provide grant funding to local social service agencies ($480,000). This proposed levy would be at the same rate of $1.07 per thousand as the current 2019 City Livability Levy that will expire on June 30, 2024. The services and programs to be funded by this measure may include, but are not limited to:
Deliver community programs for all ages.
Offer cultural and performing arts programming.
Offer scholarships to income-eligible individuals.
Maintain grounds and landscaping, provide safety checks on play equipment, plant new trees to increase tree canopy, and provide sanitation and hygiene services.
Manage over 2,000 acres of parks and natural areas.
Offer an expansive and diverse collection of library materials.
Provide open hours of service at Corvallis Public Library, seven days a week.
Provide the community a place of refuge during extreme weather events by designating certain facilities to act as a cooling or warming center.
Prevents closure of the Corvallis Public Library, Corvallis Community Center, the Majestic Theatre, and Osborn Aquatic Center.
Provide $480,000 each year for grant funds supporting nonprofit social service organizations to provide services or resources that help meet basic human needs.
The League of Women Voters of Corvallis has endorsed Measure 2-141.