Volunteer Opportunities!
Do you want to be more involved with the Corvallis League of Women Voters but haven’t quite decided how to do that?
There are many options, two that I’m sharing with you are: Serving on our League Board of Directors and serving on our Membership Committee.
The current positions we are recruiting for are Board members without portfolio. This means you have no specific assignment and take on tasks as needed. It is a great way to work with other Board members and to ease into the organization. The Board meets monthly by Zoom with some in-person meetings. Time commitment? Normally, 90 minutes/month.
If you are not ready to serve on the Board of Directors, think about serving on the Membership Committee. This committee is responsible for recruiting new members. They welcome new members both through an email and later, through a new members event. The Membership Committee typically meets in-person. Time commitment? Varies but averages one hour/month.
Both options will help you learn more about our League, meet new people and help us to remain an active and viable organization.
I would enjoy sharing information with you about both positions, Please contact me for more information.
Karyle Butcher, Nominating Committee