So many people to thank.
- Thank you to Laura and Dave Evenson who stuffed, stamped and mailed the order forms
- Thank you to Janet Wolf-Eshe and Alvin Eshe who received the order forms and organized them.
- Thank you to Ann Brodie who entered all the data.
- Thank you to Beth and Harvey Thoennes, who allowed their garage to hold all of the boxes of fruit for a few days.
- Thank you to the Thoennes family who had six people helping unload the truck
- Thank you to Nancy Russo and her husband who also helped unload.
- Thanks to all of the deliverers who so efficiently loaded the fruit into their cars and delivered it to the buyers. They make it happen.
This is Louise’s last year of coordinating LWV Fruit Sale Fundraiser. Charlyn Ellis is willing to coordinate the sale next year, but she will need lots of help. Will you get involved?
The financial report will be complete in January.