Support for Adequate Corrections Facilities with Emphasis on Appropriate Alternatives, and Diversionary Services for Adults and Juveniles and Assistance to their Families.


The Corrections item was adopted as part of our local program in 1957-58 under the title “Study and Action to Promote a Joint City-County Jail. ” In 1959-60, “Support of Adequate Juvenile Detention Facilities” was added. We have emphasized good planning along with program and treatment in both areas over the past twenty-one years.


We support the philosophy stated in the Bill of Rights of the Oregon Constitution that “Laws for the punishment of crime shall be founded on the principles of reformation, not on vindictive justice. ”

We therefore heartily concur with the proposed 1980 Standards and Goals of the Oregon Law Enforcement Council that common concerns include:

  1. Limiting wherever possible the offender’s entry into the criminal justice system.
    • Holding in secure custody only those individuals for whom alternatives are found to be inappropriate, and
    • Adopting in every case the least restrictive option.
  2. Defining policies and procedures relative to the presumption of innocence of the accused.
  3. Placing strong reliance on community based corrections facilities and programs.
  4. Immediate and continuing response to individual needs.
  5. Equality of treatment.
  6. Protection of the legal, civil, and human rights of every individual.

Position—Adult Corrections

  1. We support the development and use of alternatives to jail whenever feasible, including:
    1. A. Pre-trial misdemeanant citations and release on recognizance, and
    2. B. Post-trial probation and parole, work release and minimum-medium security facilities with constructive activity.
  2. We support the following jail practices:
    • Meeting the minimum standards for jails so that inmates are released no worse than when they entered. This includes:
      • Full time jail supervision,
      • Adequate segregation,
      • Opportunity for useful occupation and exercise.
    • Keeping adequate records and on-going analysis of them.
    • Employing trained staff, at least on a part-time basis, to supervise and coordinate rehabilitative practices.
  3. We support city-county cooperation in the joint use of corrections facilities.
  4. We support regular consultation among those agencies whose decisions affect corrections.
  5. We support coordinated long-range planning that allows for rehabilitative programs and flexibility, but we oppose building and using more jail space than absolutely necessary. We recommend that any plans for expansion of facilities be based on facts, including accurate inventories of:
    • The number and type of jail inmates over a period of several years and the length of their stay before and after trial.
    • The availability of various alternatives to jail holding.
    • The availability of other facilities which would affect the jail population.
  6. We support the fullest possible cooperation with other counties in developing a better range of resources than an individual county can provide.

Position–Juvenile Corrections

  1. We support early use of diversionary and supportive services by well trained professionals.
  2. We oppose holding juveniles in any adult facility.
  3. When secure custody is required for juveniles, we recommend providing:
    • Facilities especially designed,
    • Programs especially planned,
    • Staff especially trained to meet the individual needs of each child.
  4. We recommend minimizing use of secure holding by:
    • Creative use of alternatives,
    • Restricting the size of any facility,
    • Cooperation with other counties in order to serve a population as large as possible.
  5. For juveniles not needing secure custody, we support the use of shelter care, foster homes, and/or appropriate alternatives stressing programs to meet individual needs.
  6. For handling of juveniles at all levels, we encourage hiring dedicated, competent staff, realistically paid and given professional assistance in the community.


Public Health

  1. Support of Public Health Services in Benton County, including:
    • Dissemination of public health information,
    • Adequate personnel and facilities in the County Health Department, and
    • Family planning information and techniques. (Adopted 1967)
  2. Recognition of drug abuse as a health problem in Benton County. (Adopted 1971)

Health Care of the Elderly

  1. The LWV of Corvallis believes the government has a responsibility to provide for the health and welfare of its senior citizens. Individuals and families should share this responsibility and those who have the ability to pay for services should do so at whatever level possible.
    • We support programs which encourage independent living for the elderly should be adequately funded.
    • We believe support services should be provided for families who care for elderly relatives in their homes.
    • We believe there should be an effective ombudsman program for residents of long term care facilities.
    • We believe the government should promote and fund programs which focus on the prevention of health problems of the elderly.
    • We believe that Medicare and Medicaid should continue to be funded with consideration of cost containment, accountability, and increased focus on prevention.
  2. The LWV of Corvallis believes that the government has a responsibility to ensure quality health care for the elderly.
    • We believe there should be regular, qualitative and financial evaluation of public agencies providing health care services for the elderly.
    • We believe that people who care for the elderly in long term care facilities should be adequately trained and paid.
    • We believe that those who provide services or care for the elderly should be adequately supervised.
    • We believe that there should be stringent government standards and inspections for long term care facilities.
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