A Letter from the League of Women Voters of the United States –
Demand Action from Congress to Protect the 2020 Election
As the House and Senate work to address the COVID-19 public health crisis it is CRITICAL that legislators include adequate funding provisions to safeguard the right to vote in the upcoming November election. Contact Congress today and ask them to ensure funding to safeguard our elections is included in the next stimulus bill. To date, Congress has passed two large stimulus packages that have been signed by the President and is currently negotiating a third package. The League believes that this third package needs to include funding for provisions to ensure Americans are given the right to vote safely in November. That’s why we joined our allies at the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights in sending a letter to Congress, signed by over 150 organizations, calling for at least $2 billion in funding to be allocated toward essential measures including:
We are at a critical point where we must tell our Representatives and Senators that our elections need to be safeguarded during this pandemic. Contact your members of Congress and demand they support a minimum of $2 billion directed to safely expand voting options in the upcoming stimulus package. You can email them using our action tool or call them at (202) 224-5721. Please act now to ensure Americans have a safe and secure way to vote in November.