Content Submission

The LWV of Corvallis only accepts submissions from its Board and Committee members and Off-Board Contributors. They can use this form to submit content for the website, enews, and social media. Examples include news articles, committee reports, events, policies, minutes, meeting invitations, volunteer recruitment, and other announcements. If you are not a Board or Committee member and have something you would like us to share, please contact a Board or Committee member about it. Thanks!

Submission Author
Which committee or LWVC group is this submission affiliated with?
Select the best option for your submission type from the dropdown list. If more than one applies, list the additional types in the field below.
If more than one type listed above applies to this submission, please list here. LWV Corvallis event, LWV OR event, community event (non-League), news article, committee report, announcement, policy, testimony, minutes, recruitment, other…
The title for your submission
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Include if applicable, leave blank if not.
Event Location
Include if applicable, leave blank if not.
Event Start Time
Include if applicable, leave blank if not.
Event End Time
Include if applicable, leave blank if not.
Event Contact Person
Include if different from submission author.
Must include either phone or email for event contact person.
Must include either phone or email for event contact person.
Include the article content or event description here.
Post Image
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Post Image
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Post Image
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 256 MB.
    Upload pdfs for minutes and other documents.